In theory, the City of Montreal has accepted our ideas to curb the tons of garbage generated by weekly flyers, so now we only need to get the councillors to act

The waste due to weekly bags of flyers is the equivalent of abandoning 62 buses in the streets of Montreal, EVERY WEEK. In spite of the distributors’ reassurances, none of this is recyclable until the plastic bags are separated from their paper contents, and our overwhelmed sorting centres simply cannot do it. Our solution is simple: 1- ban the plastic bags, and 2- deliver flyers only to citizens who are interested enough to post an authorization on their mailboxes.
Since the City has included these ideas in the waste-reduction plan that it adopted last August, all that’s left to do is insist on a prompt implementation. For this, we’ve prepared a guide to help volunteers write to their councillors in order to demonstrate that this issue can’t be swept under the rug. Please help!
Our partners:
- Friends of the Earth
- Association québécoise de lutte contre la pollution atmosphérique
- Association québécoise pour la promotion de l’éducation relative à l’environnement
- Coalition Climat Montréal
- The Council of Canadians
- Environnement jeunesse
- Équiterre
- The David Suzuki Foundation
- Greenpeace Canada
- Nature Québec
- The Climate Reality Project
- The RAVEN group of First Nations
- Sierra Club
Help needed : Mobilization
End date: 2021-06-30
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