The Montreal Climate Coalition invites you to celebrate its 7th anniversary on Saturday, April 30th at 1:30 pm at Collège Ahuntsic.
The event will also be webcast for those who prefer to participate remotely.
After two years of anniversary events in virtual mode, the Coalition is looking forward to seeing you in person to share the state of play and promising actions around the theme “Going Carbon Neutral by 2042, 20 years to act”. Indeed, global warming is intensifying and there is little time left to act. The latest IPCC report is unequivocal: the current status quo will lead to disastrous consequences, unless concrete and decisive climate action is taken now.
Over the past 20 years, actions in the Montreal community have attempted to change the trend. While recognizing the successes, current efforts are insufficient to reverse the trend. What can be done to intensify action in the face of the climate emergency? How can we convince elected officials to go further and undertake the required changes? How can we engage all the actors in the necessary transition, including elected officials, public servants, leaders of various organizations, workers and all citizens? These are some of the topics that will be addressed during our 7th anniversary through conferences, an intergenerational roundtable, sharing and workshops dealing with your projects and action strategies to engage the Montreal community on the path of a real ecological transition towards carbon neutrality. Different themes will be addressed: citizen mobilization, development of public policies in favor of the climate, building political and democratic consensus, support for project leaders and social action catalyst for action!
13h Door Opening
13h30 Welcome Address
13h45 Review of the last few years and portrait of the situation
- Bruno Detunq (RVHQ)
- Jean-François Lefebvre (Imagine Lachine-Est)
- Jean-François Boisvert (Coalition climat Montréal)
14h30 Round table : Inspire Action
- Rosalie Thibault (CÉVES)
- Clélia Sève (Mères au Front)
- Charles Montpetit (activist for the control of the distribution of flyers)
- Dimitri Roussopoulos (long-time activist)
16h Presentations and Workshops : Projects and Actions
- Chantier ZéN d’Ahuntsic
- REM de l’Est
- Consultation Projet de ville : vers un plan d’urbanisme et de mobilité
- Prenons la ville
- more to come…
17h30 Networking
18h Meal
If you wish to present one of your projects, please let us know as soon as possible by clicking here.
We will also need volunteers during the event. Volunteers are invited to sign up here.
Finally, to celebrate our reunion, the event will end on a more festive note around a shared and convivial meal. If you plan to attend, please select the ticket including the meal when you register.
Together, let’s find the momentum to step up the action and ensure that we achieve carbon neutrality by 2042, Montreal’s 400th anniversary year!
See you on Saturday, April 30, 2022
Welcome at 1pm, event starts at 1:30pm
Ahuntsic College – 9055 Saint-Hubert, Montreal – Metro Crémazie or Sauvé.
Please select your ticket based on whether you will be attending only the presentations or also sharing a meal at the end of the day.