The Cyclistes solidaires initiative was born out of a spontaneous citizen mobilization to ensure food security for people considered vulnerable in Montreal’s central neighbourhoods. Indeed, when the state of emergency was declared by the Mayor of Montreal on March 27, 2020, people mobilized to help other people living in their neighborhood who were forced to stay home to avoid any risk of contracting the coronavirus.

From March to October 2020, hundreds of volunteer cyclists made more than 100,000 deliveries by collaborating with some 15 community organizations in 5 Montreal boroughs. In fact, the Solon organization was a key partner in providing us with free bike trailers for our deliveries.
So we need to continue to spread the word about our initiative so that people will lend a hand with their bikes and their beautiful smiles! In addition, our horizontal structure favours the participation of everyone and each person can contribute according to his or her skills/interests/availability. In other words, the type of involvement in our organization is varied, from coordinating the logistics of deliveries, to taking care of our social networks or even making videos.
More information : Facebook page