The “Data rescue : Archive and Weather” (DRAW) project at McGill University is currently looking for volunteers to help with its work.

The goal of this project is to transcribe handwritten weather observation data into digital format. Between 1863 and 1963, these observations were recorded several times a day in registers at the former McGill Weather Observatory located in the heart of downtown Montreal. This data is valuable and once digitized, it can be analyzed by computers and allow us to learn more about past weather and its impact on individuals and societies.
The DRAW project therefore invites citizens who are willing to offer a little of their time to capture these millions of observations. Volunteers do not need to have a scientific background and they do their work at home with their computers. In this way, they help increase our knowledge of past weather patterns, while preserving and communicating the history of Canada’s early meteorologists. Their work also contributes to a better understanding of current climate change. The results will eventually be used to calibrate models that investigate the potential climate of the future.
If you are interested in collaborating in this project, you are invited to register on the DRAW website. If you have any questions, please contact the DRAW team at